The concept of a digital age-friendly learning community (DAFLC) – is a concept of the wide
use of digital and information technologies for learning by mature people and for the
exchange of experiences of staff organising adult learning processes.
Various forms of digital learning communities that function or may exist in organisations:
a) e-learning,
b) blended learning,
c) study circles with the use of online sources of knowledge,
d) activation of participants in the learning process through ICT tools,
e) online groups, online forums.
E-learning – independent learning from structured courses available on the Internet.
The educator can recognize the developmental needs of a senior and indicate and suggest a
course that is appropriate in terms of topics and the level of digital advancement.
Blended learning – learning in groups, combined with independent learning from the
Internet. The educator and the learner aim at the assumed educational goals through joint
activities and independent learning from the internet sources indicated by the educator.
Study circles, using online sources of knowledge.
Groups of people interested in learning specific topics.
Study Circle method – a learning system in which the learners take the initiative as co-
creators of the learning process. People who want to gain knowledge and skills in a certain
field, solve a problem that bothers them, etc., meet regularly in small groups (Study Circles)
in order to jointly explore the topic of their interest. The group consists of 7-12 people, which
allows for free exchange of views and allows each person to be active. A leader emerges in
the group. The group operates on a democratic basis.
Study Circle participants are both students and teachers. Work within Study Circle groups is
carried out by the participants themselves, according to their needs and interests, “searching
for knowledge”. Participants gain knowledge mostly from internet sources.
Using digital technologies during workshop activities, using digital tools to activate
participants in the learning process.
The trainer uses various applications, films, etc. to achieve educational goals during given
classroom activities, e.g .:
- applications for conducting polls, surveys,
- working in the cloud, sharing resources,
- applications for collaborative work,
- applications for various exercises.
When planning classes, the trainer selects tools that will help students achieve their
educational goals.
Online groups, discussion forums – a form of discussion involving the exchange of
correspondence on the Internet, a place for exchanging views and information. Usually,
discussion groups focus on threads of interest to forum participants.